Olympus BX51-POL (Used) with NAOS 20MP Camera

Olympus BX51-POL (Used) with NAOS 20MP Camera

Olympus BX51-POL Trinocular Polarizing Compound Microscope for transmitted polarized light.  This is a used research level polarizing microscope in excellent condition with a new Jenoptik Gryphax 20MP digital USB3 camera / software included.  The microscope has the high-end 360º rotatable analyzer slider as well as rotating substage polarizer, four objective with upgraded U-Plan FL 40x/0.75 infinity corrected optics.  Obtain crisp polarized light images courtesy of Olympus precision optics combined with Jenoptik high resolution and faithful color reproduction camera.  The user-friendly Gryphax software runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux computers (computer not included).

MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUE(S): Transmitted light brightfield and polarized light
HEAD: Trinocular with 3-way beamsplitter
EYEPIECES: 10x/22mm focusing, one with crossline
NOSEPIECE: Quadruple, reversed, centerable, Pol
OBJECTIVES: Plan Pol  4x/0.10, Ach Pol 10x/0.25, Ach Pol 20x/0.40, U-PlanFL Pol 40x/0.75
STAGE: Circular rotating Pol with XY mechanical stage
CONDENSER: 0.90NA with Swing-out Top Element, Iris Diaphragm and 360º Rotating Polarizer
CONDENSER CARRIER: Focusable and centerable for Koehler illumination
ILLUMINATION: 12V/100W Halogen
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 360º Rotating Analyzer / Bertrand lens module, first order red compensator
CAMERA ADAPTERS FOR THIS MICROSCOPE: Includes 1x C-mount and Jenoptik Gryphax NAOS 20MP USB3 camera with software for Win/ Mac
