Schott Easy LED Spotlight Plus Post Mounted Dual Gooseneck LED Illuminator

Schott Easy LED Spotlight Plus Post Mounted Dual Gooseneck LED Illuminator

The Schott EasyLED Spotlight Plus is a small, post mounted dual gooseneck LED illuminator.  The intensity is variable, and exceeds that of it's twin, the Schott KL300LED fiberoptic post mounted illuminator.  The EasyLED Spotlight Plus is not a fiberoptic illuminator - it has LEDs at the end of the arms, and they can be turned on or off individually.  If your stereomicroscope does not have a post-type stand, add the WB32 Pedestal for a stand-alone solution.

Martin test rating:  130,000 lux

Part Numbers for Easy LED illuminators
EasyLED-20 for 20mm Columns
EasyLED-25 for 25mm Columns
EasyLED-32 for 32mm Columns
EasyLED-35 for 35mm Columns
EasyLED-ZS for Zeiss K or M Stands

Made in Germany


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